What Is A Podiatrist And What Do They Do?

When it comes to healthcare, we often think of primary care physicians, dentists, and specialists for various organs and systems. However, there’s a crucial aspect of healthcare that often gets overlooked – foot health. This is where podiatrists come into play.

Podiatrists are specialized healthcare professionals dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the feet and lower limbs. In this article, we’ll delve into what a podiatrist is, what they do, and why their role is vital in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Who Is A Podiatrist?

A podiatrist, also known as a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), is a medical professional who specializes in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders and injuries of the foot, ankle, and lower leg.

They are highly trained experts who hold a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree, which involves rigorous education and clinical training specific to podiatry.

Education and Training

To become a podiatrist, one must complete a Bachelor’s degree followed by a four-year Doctor of Podiatric Medicine program. This is followed by a residency program that typically lasts from two to four years. During this time, podiatrists gain hands-on experience in treating a wide range of foot and ankle conditions.

What Do Podiatrists Do?

Podiatrists offer comprehensive care for various foot-related issues. Their expertise extends to both medical and surgical treatments. Here’s an overview of their roles and responsibilities:

Diagnosing Foot Conditions

One of the primary functions of a podiatrist is to accurately diagnose a wide array of foot and lower limb disorders. This includes conditions such as bunions, plantar fasciitis, ingrown toenails, fungal infections, and more. They employ various diagnostic techniques, including physical examinations, imaging studies, and laboratory tests.

Providing Non-Surgical Treatments

Podiatrists often start with non-surgical interventions to address foot problems. This can involve prescribing medications, orthotics (custom shoe inserts), physical therapy, and recommending lifestyle modifications. They may also provide advice on proper footwear and foot care practices.

Performing Foot and Ankle Surgeries

In cases where non-surgical treatments prove insufficient, podiatrists have the expertise to perform surgical procedures.

This can range from minor procedures like toenail removals to more complex surgeries such as reconstructive foot and ankle surgery. They are skilled in both traditional and minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Managing Sports-Related Injuries

Athletes often experience foot and ankle injuries due to the demands of their sport. Podiatrists specialize in treating these injuries, which may include sprains, fractures, stress fractures, and overuse injuries. They work closely with athletes to facilitate a safe and speedy recovery.

Addressing Diabetic Foot Care

For individuals with diabetes, proper foot care is paramount. Podiatrists play a critical role in the prevention and management of diabetic foot complications. They conduct regular foot exams, provide education on foot care practices, and treat conditions like diabetic ulcers and neuropathy.

The Significance Of Podiatry In Healthcare

The feet are the foundation of our mobility and overall well-being. Neglecting foot health can lead to a cascade of problems affecting posture, gait, and even the spine. This is where podiatrists step in, providing specialized care that contributes to a person’s overall health in several key ways:

Enhancing Mobility

When foot problems are addressed promptly and effectively, individuals experience improved mobility. This is particularly crucial for older adults who may face mobility challenges due to age-related foot conditions.

Alleviating Chronic Pain

Chronic foot pain can significantly impact the quality of life. Podiatrists work to identify and treat the root cause of pain, providing relief and allowing individuals to engage in daily activities without discomfort.

Preventing Complications

By focusing on preventive care, podiatrists help individuals avoid the development of serious complications. This is especially critical for those with diabetes, where foot complications can lead to severe consequences.

Supporting Active Lifestyles

For athletes and individuals who lead active lifestyles, foot health is paramount. Podiatrists play a pivotal role in keeping individuals on their feet and participating in the activities they love.

When To See A Podiatrist

Our feet are the foundation of our mobility and play a crucial role in our daily lives. Yet, they often don’t receive the attention they deserve until a problem arises. Knowing when to see a podiatrist can make a significant difference in preventing and treating foot conditions.

In this article, we’ll explore common scenarios and signs that indicate it’s time to seek the expertise of a podiatrist.

1. Persistent Pain

Signs: If you experience persistent pain in your feet or ankles that doesn’t improve with rest, it’s a clear signal to see a podiatrist. This includes sharp or stabbing pain, aching, or discomfort that lingers over time.

Why It Matters: Pain is your body’s way of signalling that something is wrong. Ignoring foot pain can lead to more serious conditions and affect your overall quality of life.

2. Difficulty Walking or Standing

Signs: If you find it increasingly difficult to walk, stand, or bear weight on your feet, it’s a cause for concern. This may be due to injuries, deformities, or underlying medical conditions.

Why It Matters: Difficulty in basic activities like walking can significantly impact your daily life. Seeking professional help can prevent further damage and restore your ability to move comfortably.

3. Changes in Skin or Nail Health

Signs: Noticeable changes in the skin or nails of your feet should not be ignored. This includes discolouration, thickening, cracking, peeling, or the presence of sores or ulcers.

Why It Matters: Changes in skin and nail health can be indicative of various conditions, including fungal infections, psoriasis, or even diabetes-related complications. Early intervention is crucial for effective treatment.

4. Ingrown Toenails or Calluses

Signs: Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of a toenail grows into the surrounding skin, causing pain, redness, and swelling. Calluses, on the other hand, are thickened patches of skin that develop in response to pressure or friction.

Why It Matters: Both ingrown toenails and calluses can lead to infections if not properly addressed. Podiatrists are skilled in safely treating these conditions and providing guidance on prevention.

5. Persistent Swelling

Signs: Swelling in the feet and ankles that persists for an extended period, especially without an obvious cause (such as an injury), warrants attention.

Why It Matters: Persistent swelling can be a sign of an underlying issue, such as poor circulation or heart disease. A podiatrist can help identify the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

6. Diabetes or Chronic Medical Conditions

Signs: If you have diabetes or other chronic medical conditions that can affect your feet, regular visits to a podiatrist are essential. This includes conditions like peripheral neuropathy or vascular disease.

Why It Matters: Individuals with diabetes are at higher risk for foot complications, including ulcers and infections. Regular podiatric care can help prevent serious complications and maintain foot health.

7. New or Worsening Foot Deformities

Signs: The development of foot deformities like bunions, hammertoes, or flat feet can cause discomfort and affect mobility.

Why It Matters: Early intervention in foot deformities can prevent them from worsening over time. A podiatrist can recommend conservative treatments or, if necessary, surgical options.

Knowing when to see a podiatrist is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Regular check-ups, especially if you have existing medical conditions, can help identify and address potential issues early.

Remember, your feet play a fundamental role in your daily life, and seeking professional care when needed ensures they remain healthy and functional. Don’t wait until a minor problem becomes a major one—take the first step toward better foot health today.


In the realm of healthcare, the role of a podiatrist is often underestimated, yet their expertise is invaluable for maintaining overall health and well-being. Through specialized education and training, podiatrists bring a unique skill set to the healthcare landscape, focusing on the intricate mechanics of the feet and lower limbs.

By diagnosing, treating, and preventing a wide range of foot conditions, they contribute significantly to an individual’s mobility, comfort, and overall quality of life. The next time you take a step, remember the vital role that podiatrists play in keeping us on our feet.

If you are looking for a podiatrist, check them out at podiatrist malvern east

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